Digital Zine Bundle
Digital Zine Bundle
This DIGITAL bundle includes four sewing zines: THRIFT SEW UPCYCLE, How to Develop a Sewing Brain, 10 Flipping Ways to Make Patchwork for Your Next Garment, and Blind Date with a Sewing Machine.
THRIFT SEW UPCYCLE is a game zine all about the most common techniques that I use when I do thrift flips. It is full of creative ways to use sewing techniques and includes a poster game board, that challenges you to create your own unique clothes.
How to Develop a Sewing Brain is a short primer for beginner sewists. It lays out common vocabulary and techniques in sewing. It includes two DIYs and writing by me, Tanner Frost Bowen.
10 Flipping Ways to Make Patchwork for Your Next Garment is a distillation of my favorite patchwork designs and how to do them. It has diagrams and instructions so that you can make your own patchwork for a garment.
Blind Date with a Sewing Machine is all about falling in love with sewing. This zine includes four upcycle DIYs and lots of sewing jokes to make you laugh.